Escena Digital: Spanish voice over services. Voice over Spanish. Spanish voice over studio


Voice over Spanish. Voice over in Spain. European Spanish voice over services. European Spanish voice over agency. Voice dubbing studio in Spain. Spanish voice talent. Spanish voice talent agency. Spanish female voice talent. Female voice talent in Spanish. Male Spanish voice talent. Spanish voice talent agents. Spanish voice talent services. Voice talent in Spanish.  Spanish voice over studio. Spanish voice over company. Voice over Spanish company based in Madrid (Spain). Spanish voice over agency. Spanish voice over recording studio. Spanish voice over services for e-learning, videos, audio guide, audiobooks. Spanish voice over talent male and female voices. The recording studio is in Madrid (Spain). Spanish voices from documentaries, e-learning courses, training videos, cartoon series and multimedia recordings

Escena Digital: Spanish voice talent

Spanish voice talent. Spanish voice over services. Spanish voice over agency. Spanish voice actors

Spanish voice talent

Spanish voice talent. Spanish voice talent dubbing videos. Spanish voice talent for  e-learning 


Spanish voice actors

Spanish voice actors.  Spanish voice actors for videos. Spanish voice actors for dubbing films.


Spanish voice over agency

Spanish voice talent agency.  Spanish male voice talent.  Spanish female voice talent. 

Spanish voice talent team.  Dubbing recording video «Genie»

Spanish dubbing videos. Spanish dubbing cartoon series

Spanish voice talent: Marta Pal.  Recording video «Fundación Telefónica»

Escena Digital voice talents: What We Offer

Spanish voice talent agency. Spanish voice talent services

Spanish voice talent agency

Spanish voice talent agency for e-learning courses. Spanish voice talent agency for video dubbing.  Spanish voice talent agency  for commercial recording

Spanish recording studio

Cheap recording studio for cartoon dubbing.  Cheap recording studio for movies. Cheap recording studio for e-learning and video games

Voice talent online services

We are +6000 voice talents online.  Voice talent database agency in Spanish Castilian and Latin American Neutral Spanish

Escena Digital voice talents team/database. Online voices. You can listen our voice talent demos:

Spanish female voice talents


Spanish female voice talents

Spanish female voice talents

Spanish male voice talents

Spanish male voice talents

Spanish male voice talents

Business, marketing & entertainment Industry Clients

Satisfaction Guaranteed!


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+34 66693 18 29

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Our Office
Madrid (Spain)

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