Nepali voice over

Escena Digital Voice overs

Presenter. Presenters. Presenter awards, presenter ceremonies, presenter congress

Presenter. Events presenters. Presenters for congresses. Parties Presenters .  Award presenters. Television presenter. Presentation of galas. Festival presenters. Presenters for fairs. Actor presenters. Presenters and presenters of videos of companies Presenters. Presenters of television programs Presenters of television. Presentations of products in fairs. Presenters for events. Presentations of companies. Presenters of ceremonies and weddings. More and more important is the image of the companies in the fairs representative of each sector or events and celebrations. Escena Digital puts at the service of companies, who want an effective and professional presentation of their products, a series of professionals of the radio and the television that will offer you the image that needs your company, making appropriate and professional presentations. You can contact us to act as masters of ceremonies in galas, conferences, voices in off in prizes deliveries or for presentations of fairs.

Presenter award Platino 2017.   Latin American voice over "Magda"

Presenter Award Platino 2017. Megaphone:  Luigi
English presenters   Spanish presenters

Ayesha,  English presenter





Roberto, Spanish presenter
  presentadora, animadora  
Ian, English male presenter   Rachelle, Spanish presenter. English presenter and singer   locutora inglesa, english voice talent

presenter, english presenter

locutora inglesa, english voice over,  british voice talent
Ann, Flemish and English presenter Conxa  Ta, Spanish  and Valencian presenter


German presenters Spanish presenters

Aida, German presenter

  Sabina, Spanish presenter  
  presenter, german voice over  
French presenters Portuguese  presenters
Fiorina,  French and Spanish presenter  

Liliana, Portuguese presenter

  French voice over, French female voice over, presenter  
Russian presenter   Brazilian presenter
Alona, Russian voice talent Priscila,  Brazilian Portuguese presenter  





Ana, Portuguese presenter  
Presenter rate




Information Methodology Radio



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Budgets Asks about recordings Programs Children voices Spots Sung dials Audiovisuals and multimedia Spots E-learning courses
About us Form of rates Jingles Audiovisual dub Advertising and sponsorship Free recordings For tv programs Promotional spots Children voiceovers
Requests Methodology and guarantees Indicative Videogames dubs Advertising campaign Radio programs Webs and Internet Tv jingles Robots and machines
How we work Inscriptions Scripts Corporative videos Music for advertising Indicatives download Free advertising music Conductors for events Audiobooks and guides
Contact Web map Radio spots Dub studios Teleshopping Radio scripts Radio programs Music Teleshopping dubbing
Links Clients Radio tunes Acting voices Television voice talents.Car spots Free rights music Songs for cellulars Scripts for tv IVR recordings
  Quality  Spanish voice overs Ideas Cartoon dubbing   Mobile tunes Music composition Documentaries Narration
            Relaxing music Programs

World voices




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Escena Digital Locutores S.L.  Voice over agency.

Madrid- Spain

Telephone: +34 666 93 18 29