locutores, voice overs, voice talent

Escena Digital: commercial voices

Commercial voice over.  Commercial voice actors. Commercial voice over agency. TV voice overs. Commercial voice acting. Voice over for radio commercial. Television voice over


Commercial voice over. Voice talent  Commercial voice overs. Commercial voice talent. Voice over for recording television spot.  Commercial voice acting. Voice over for commercials French voice talents for tv ads. English voices for spots. Broadcasters and professional Spanish voice artist. Commercial voice over rates. Commercial voice over services

    Request a quote    

French commercial voice overs for television spots. English commercial voice overs .  Spanish  commercial voice over talent. Spanish studio recording, dvds, audiovisual and advertising guidelines for companies and producers. Voiceovers for commercials for top national broadcasters. Italian voice overs for spots recordings. Chinese commercial voice overs

Joy, American voice talent.  Recording  spot Physiogel


Tony,  English British voice over. Recording spot "StubHub"

 Voice overs for spots.  Italian commercial voice overs . Professional Audio TV spots. Spots Broadcasters local, regional and national .Broadcasters national television address to spots and new Digital- Television channels. Quote recording Spanish voiceover.   Spanish voice actor rate.  Spanish voice actors and actress rates. English and French voice talents for television spots.

Voice over for spots.  Voice talents for television spots

Mariela, Argentinian voice over. Recording tv spot "Venus"  
Charles,  English voice over.  Recording spot "El Algarve"
Elena, Spanish voice talent.  Royalty-free music Escena Digital
Waner,Chinese voice over  recording television spot
Recording television spot : Telemadrid. Voice talent:  Javier Ilja, German voice over. Recording billboard

Albert, Spanish voice over.  Spot "Osasuna football club"

Television spot "Estrella Galicia�.  Brazilian voice overs

Carlos San,  Spanish voice talent. Recording television spot locutor, locutor de doblaje, actor de doblaje Conxa, Spanish voice talent.  Recording local television spot
Terry, Italian voice over.  Recording fragance spot locutora italiana, italian voice talent Veronique, French voice talent. Recording spot, internet use.
Youtube Spot.  Voice over: Stela. Royalty-free music: Escena Cecilia,  Argentinian voice over.  Spot "Always" Argentinian voice over
Naim, Malay voice over. Recording spot: Oral B locutor, voice over Christmas television spot.  Voice talent. Jesus

Voice overs. Commercial recordings voice over team
Recording for
"May Feelings". with Jason, Chris and Bill. American voice over talents
Commercial voice overs   Commercial voice overs
Spot local television.  Voice overs:  Roberto and Mar.   David Sam, Spanish voice over. Television spots: " jam�n de Jabugo"
Jean Moran, French voice over. Television spot for Eurosport.   Xadi, recording television spot.
Televisi�n spot . Voice over:.  Javier C.   Vlad, Russian voice over. recording promo Eurosport

Sebastian, German voice over.  Spot  "Seat Leon"
Max,  Italian voiceover.   Recording television Christmas spot: "Santa Claus"
Spot television "Television Castilla y Le�n". Voice talent: Tom�s.   Ver�nica Fer, Chilean voice over. Recording spot
Sonia V,  Galician voice talent. Spot   Charles, English voice talent recording spot "Algarve"
Spot for Portuguese voice overs Arcindo, Marta and  Silvia.  
Sabina,  Spanish voice over. Recording spot "Balearia"
Teleshopping recording. Spanish voice over : David L Voice overs for spots. Television voice talents. Television voice over rates  
Marta, spot television program: El verano de tu vida"  
commercial voice over, commercial voice overs  
    Marta Pal,  Spanish voice talent.  Recording spot LPOD
Spot for "Feria Libro 2007".  Spanish voice over:  Jes�s.   Spanish voice overs: Alvaro and Mar: "Climastar" -Antena 3 television
Albert,  spot  "Ekola caf�". Royalty-free music: Escena   Charles, English voice over. Recording spot:  "Madeira"
Ana, Spanish voice over.  Recording spot local television   Juan Carlos Gut, Latin American voice over: Internet spot..
Hayfa, Colombian voice over. Recording television spot   Maria Rosario, Argentinian voice over. Recording television spot

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Voice overs


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Spanish Castilian voice over

English British voice overs

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Famous Spanish voiceovers   Swedish voiceovers Flemish voiceovers Hungarian voiceovers talent
Majorcarn voiceovers   Romanian voice over Macedonian voiceovers Spanish Castilian famous voice overs
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Latin American and North american talents   Voice talents from Asia, Africa and Oceania
English North American voice overs   Turkish voice overs Arabic  Moroccan  voice overs Thailand voiceovers
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Colombian  voiceovers artist   Hindi voice overs  French Moroccan voice overs Urdu voiceovers
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French Canadian voiceovers   Arabic voice overs Swahili voice overs Malaysian voiceovers
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Peruvian voiceovers   Kurdish voiceovers Swahili voice overs Australian voice overs
Uruguayan voice overs   Indonesian  voice overs Angola voiceover  
Ecuadorian voice overs        
Chilean voiceovers        
Nicaraguan voice overs   Come to meet us on our Youtube channel 
Honduran voiceovers  
Bolivian voice overs        
Costa Rican voice overs.        
Venezuelan voiceovers        
Guatemalan voiceovers        
Dominican voice overs        




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Budgets Asks about recordings Programs Children voices Spots Sung dials Audiovisuals and multimedia Spots E-learning courses
About us Form of rates Jingles Audiovisual dub Advertising and sponsorship Free recordings For tv programs Promotional spots Children voiceovers
Requests Methodology and guarantees Indicatve Videogames dubs Advertising campaign Radio programs Webs and Internet Tv jingles Robots and machines
How we work Inscriptions Scripts Corporative videos Music for advertising Indicatives download Free advertising music Conductors for events Audiobooks and guides
Contact Web map Radio spots Dub studios Teleshopping Radio scripts Radio programs Music Teleshopping dubbing
Links Clients Radio tunes Acting voices Television voice talents.Car spots Free rights music Songs for cellulars Scripts for tv IVR recordings
  Quality  Spanish voice overs Ideas     Mobile tunes Music composition Documentaries Narration
            Relaxing music Programs

World voices


Escena Digital voice overs S.L.  Voice overs services    

Direcci�n General: Jes�s �ngel Morato. Tel�fono : + 34 666 93 18 29 Administraci�n: Luisa Prado. Tel�fono : + 34 670 90 95 51 . Tel�fono 0034 91 666931829  Estudios  de grabaci�n asociados en Madrid, Barcelona, Alicante, M�laga, Zamora, Lugo, , Marbella, Sevilla, C�diz, Ciudad Real, Girona y  Arag�n. Estudios de grabaci�n asociados en Chequia, Polonia, Portugal, Egipto,  Francia,  Inglaterra, Alemania, Brasil, Turqu�a, M�xico, China, Rusia y Corea.




http://www.locutorestv.es/grabaciones.htm   , http://locutor.webcindario.com -, -   http://www.amorypoesia.es  - http://www.escenadigital.eu . http://www.locutortv.com ,   http://locutortv.es , http://amorypoesia.es   Voice overs for television spots.

