Arabic voice over.  Arabic voices

Escena Digital:  Arabic voice over. Arabic voice overs. Arabic voice over services

Arabic voice over. Arabic voice overs. Arabic voice talent. Arabic male voice over. Arabic female voice over. Arabic voices. Arab voice over. Arabic voice over services


Arabic voice over. Arabic voice overs. Arabic voices. Arabic voice talents. Arabic voice over services. Arabic voice overs agency-productions in Saudi Arabia, Moroccan, Lebanon and Egypt . Arabic voice overs from Saudi, Libyan, Algeria, Syria, Lebanon, Moroccan and Egypt accents Arabian female voice overs. Arab voice over .  The best arabic voice over company for recordings:  e-learning, corporate videos, commercial and narrations.  Arabic male voice over and Arabic female voice over.  Arabic voice over company. Arabic voice over services from Saudi Arabia voices, Libyan, Algeria, Syria, Lebanon, Moroccan and Egypt .  Arabic voice over recordings for videos and documentaries. Arabic voices from Saudi Arab, Algeria, Syrian, Lebanon, Egypt and Moroccan.  Arabic Egyptian voice over talent. Arabic Moroccan voice over talent. Arabic voices from African and Asian,  Arabic voice over talent for dubbing movies and dubbing services. Arabic dubbing movies and dubbing videos. The best Arabic voice over company


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Arabic Egyptian female voice overs   Arabic  Egyptian male voice talents
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Arabic voice talent Shara, Arabic Egyptian female voice talent Hesham, Arabic Egyptian voice over
Shaeenaz, Arabic Egyptian female voiceover Hossam,  Arabic Egyptian voice over
Mariam Mohamed, Arabic female voice talent from Egypt locutor, voice over  Ahmed M, Arabic Egyptian voice over
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Arabic female voice overs from Lebanon  and Algerian Sherig Arabic Egyptian male voice over
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locutora arabe, arabic voice over Maida, Arabic female voice over from Lebanon Alghal, Arabic Egyptian male voice over
Majida, Arabic female voice over. Lebanon Karim Hi,  Arabic Egyptian male voice over.
Sawsan, Arabic female voice over. Lebanon   Mohamed Al,  Egyptian male voice talent
Rita, Arabic Lebanese voice over talent     Mohammad, Arabic male voice over. Egyptian
Nagy, Arabic Lebanese voice over talent    
Maria, Arabic Lebanese voice over talent  
Khalid, Arabic voice over. Dubbing documentary "Tuna"
Pauline, Arabic Lebanese voice over talent
Eva, Arabic female voice over. Lebanon
Jumana, Arabic female voice over. Lebanon    
Arabic voice over Nada, Arabic female voice over. Lebanon

Arabic male voice overs  from Lebanon

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Arabic voice over, Arabic female voice over   Ali Saad,  Arabic male voice over. Lebanon
Ali Fak, Arabic male voice over. Lebanon

Arabic Moroccan female voice over talents

  Hussein, Arabic male voice over. Lebanon
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Ilham, Arabic Moroccan voice talent Michel, Arabic Lebanese voice over
Kara, Arabic Moroccan voiceover Mahdi, Arabic Lebanese voice over
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      Arabic voice over Arabic Lebanon voice over
Zaina, Arabic Moroccan voiceover      
Arabic voice over Karma, Arabic Moroccan voice over

Mona, Arabic voice over. Cartoon dubbing
Adrae, Arabic Moroccan voice over talent
Najie, Arabic Moroccan voice over talent
Mariam, Arabic Moroccan voice over talent Arabic female voice overs. Arabic Cartoon dubbing voices
Jihane, Arabic Moroccan voice over Ghada,  Arabic  Egyptian female voice talent
Loubna, Arabic Moroccan voiceover Kareema,  Arabic  Egyptian female voice talent
Zaina, Arabic moroccan voice talent Lona,  Arabic  Egyptian female voice talent
  Aya,  Arabic  Egyptian female voice talent
    Lamya,  Arabic  Egyptian female voice talent

Chistin and Fady, Arabic voice overs. Recording video "Tuna"

Arabic female voice over talents from Dubai/Kuwait and Saudi Arabia

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Iman, Arabic voice talent from Dubai   Halid, Arabic Moroccan voiceover
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Arabic Moroccan male voice talents Abdel, Arabic male voice over talent. Moroccan
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Arabic female voice overs from Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Israel, Algerian, Palestine, Jordan

Arabic male voice overs from Saudi Arabia and Dubai

Eva. Arabic female voiceover locutor arabe, arabic voice over Hassansa, Arabic voice over. Saudi Arabia
Asma,  Arabic Palestinian female voice artist Wael, Arabic male voice over from Dubai
Nunna,  Arabic voice over Fusha accent. Moustafa, Arabic voice over.  Saudi Arabia
Rawan, Arabic Jordanian female voice over Arabic voice over. Arabic voice overs Gulf, Arabic voice over from Saudi Arabia
Gada, Arabic Tunisia voice over Nasir, Arabic voice over . Saudi Arabia accent
Afrah, Arabic female voiceover. Iraq Yousef, Arabic voiceover. Dubai voiceover
Sawsan, Arabic female voiceover Khalid, Arabic voice over.  Saudi Arabia
Rima, Arabic female voiceover Adly, Arabic voice over from Dubai
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Arabic female voice over from Syria   Arabic male voice over from Syria
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Luna, Arabic female voice talent from Syria   Salman, Arabic Syrian voice talent
Hanady, Arabic female voice talent from Syria   Locutor de Palestina, Arabic Palestine voice over talent Mohammed, Arabic male voice talent from Syria
Jiana, Arabic female voice talent from Syria   Adel, Arabic male voice talent from Syria
Sozan,Arabic female voice talent from Syria   Mowaffk, Arabic male voice talent from Syria
      Osama, Arabic male voice talent from Syria
      Hamada, Arabic male voice talent from Syria

Fady, Arabic voice over. Corporate video: Tecnove

Arabic male voice overs from Iraq, Syrian, Jordan, Tunez, Israel, Algerian, Palestine..

Locutor de Palestina, Arabic Palestine voice over talent Ahmed, Arabic male voiceover. Palestine voice talent.

Arabic child voice over recordings

Ghazy, Arabic Tunisian voice over
Ahmed, Arabic boy voice over. Egyptian Hussam, Arabic male voiceover talent. Israel.
Sara, Arabic girl voice over. Egyptian   Mohamed, Arabic male voice over
Arabic Kid voiceovers. Jingle. Abdel,  Arabic male voice over from Jordan
Mirna, Arabic child voice over. Lebanon Hosam, Arabic male voice over
Jumana, Arabic child voice over. Lebanon   Cheikh, Arabic Mauritanian voice over
Nada, Arabic child voice over. Lebanon Arabic voice over Ahmed, Arabic male voice over. Algerian voice over
Arabic voice over Iman, Arabic child voice over. Lebanon Salam, Arabic Palestine voice over talent
Rania, Arabic child voice over. Lebanon Kahtan, Arabic male voiceover. Iraq voice talent
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Arabic child voice over. Locutor infantil arabe Christine, Arabic child voice over from Egypt Abderahim, Arabic male voice over

Arabic voice over talents for dubbing films. Arabic  voice over talent: commercials, Imaging, trailers, films .. Cd room and e-learning programs.  Arabic  voices.  Dubbing  recording studios from Madrid( Spain).  Arabic male voiceovers.  Arabic female voiceovers.  Arabic voice over artists. Arabic voice talent. Arabic male voice talent. Arabic female voice talent. Arabian male voice overs. Arabic Arabian voice overs talents. The best voice overs in  Arabic for e-learning courses. Arabic voice over rates. Egytian voice overs. Lybian voice overs. Lebanon voice overs.  Algeria voice overs.

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World voices


Escena Digital Locutores S.L.  Voice over agency.

Madrid- Spain

Telephone: +34 666 93 18 29