German voice over talent

   Escena Digital : German voice over agency. German dubbing. Germany voice over agency

German voice over. German voice overs. The best German voice over agency. German voice talents. German male voice talent. German female voice talent. German voice actors. German voices

German voice over. German voice overs. German voices. German voice talent. German professional voice talents. German voice over agency. German voice over services. German native voice overs. Native German voiceover services. German voice overs agency.  German voice overs video recording.  German native voice over artists for documentaries and commercial recordings. German voice over agency and professional services. German male voice over. German female voice over

    Request a quote    

Recording app video "Mp Deby".  German female voice over: Heike

Recording video "WLC".  German female voice over:
German female voice overs. Group A German male voice overs. Group A
Heike, German female voice over talent German voice over Wolf, German male voice over
Fatima, German female voiceover Dirk, German male voiceover
locutora alemana, german voice over Belly, German voice over locutor aleman, german voice over Ilja, German voice over
German voice over Britta, German female voice Heike, German  voice over locutor aleman, german voice talent Markus, German voice over
Michelle, German female voice over   Robert, German voice talent 
Beate, German female voice  talent locutor, voice over German voice over Uwe, German male voice talent
locutora alemana, german voice over Silke, german female voice talent locutor aleman, german voice over Thomas St, German voice over
Miriam, German female voice over German voice over Sebastian, German male voiceover
Jana, german female talent locutor aleman, german voice over Alex, German voice over 
Dana,  German voice over German voice over Thomas Rai, German voice over talent
Stefanie, German female voice talent Wolf, German voice over. Recording Olympics games "Tokyo" 2021 locutor aleman, german voice over Bjorn, German voice talent
Saskia, German voice over   Daniel B, German voice over
locutora alemana, german voice over Kaja, German voice over   german voice over, locutor alemania Dennis W, German male voiceover
German voice over, locutora alemana Kathrin, German voice over   Benjamin, German male voiceover

German voice over. German voice over agency. German voice overs for e-learning courses. German voice overs for documentaries. German voices for spots.  Recording studio in Germany. German voice overs for commercials and IVR recordings.  Dubbing films in German  language. Recordings for German natives voice overs. German  voice overs for television. German  voice overs for dubbing. German voice over rates. German voice actors

Recording for the video "Torre Tavira" with Gaspard, german voiceover
Recording  dubbing cartoons.  German voice over team

German female voice overs. Group B


German male voiceovers. Group B

Franziska, german female voice talent german voice talent Klaus, German male voice talent
Sabrina Ha, German voice talent German voice over Francois, german male voiceover 
Yanna, german voiceover locutor Christian German voice talent
Karin, german voiceover   locutor aleman, german voice over  Dennis, German voice over 
Dana, german voiceover Daniel, German voice talent
Elisabeth, german voiceover   Linus, German young male voice talent
Annette, german voiceover
Josef, German voice talent
Sabrina, german voiceover Marco,German voice talent
Anjella, german girl voice talent Peter T, German voice talent
Monika,  German voice talent locutor aleman, german voice talent Jonathan, German young voice over
German voice over, locutora alemana, German voice talent Aida, German female voice over Thorsten, German voice talent
Christine, German  voice talent locutor, voice over Dennis H, German voice over
Natascha Sla, german female voice  talent Abel, German voice talent
German voice over, locutora alemana Canan, German voice talent Pavi, German voice over
Kate, German voice over Fritz, german male voice over

Sebastian, German voice over:  tv spot for "Seat leon XPerience"

Heike, recording "Turin University"

German female voice overs. Group C

German male voice overs. Group C

Michaela, german voiceover   Christian , German voice talent
Christina, german voiceover German professional voice over actress. German voice talent Eki, German voice talent
Cornelia, german voiceover Martin,German voice talent
Monika, german voiceover Michael Bo, German male voiceover
Uli, german voiceover Aida , German voiceover  Peter, German voice talent
Cristhina, german voiceover   locutor aleman, german voice over Roman, Swiss German voice over
  Anne, German female voice talent    Ilja, German voice over

Dirk, German voice over. Recording corporate video Ronal

Dirk, German voice over. Coca Cola Christmas spot recording

German children voice overs


German children voice overs

Julius, German child voice over Ans, German child voice over talent. Boy voice over
Ella, German child voice over   Maxin, Child German voice over
Felix, German child voice over German voice over Caroline,  Child girl German voice talent
locutora, voice over Linda, German young voice talent locutor nino aleman, german child voice Simon, German child voice
locutor aleman, german voice over Rosa, German child voice over locutora alemana, German voice over Beate, German child voice over


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World voices


Escena Digital Locutores S.L.  Voice over agency.

Madrid- Spain

Telephone: +34 666 93 18 29